Filling Pieces

Uncommon Stories

Welcome to our brand's new editorial series, "Uncommon Stories: Bridging The Gap with Filling Pieces."

As a community-driven brand, we're committed to showcasing the diverse and inspiring stories that often go untold. Our editorial series aims to fill that gap by shining a light on artists, performers, and entrepreneurs who are making a difference in their communities and beyond.

Through these stories, we hope to inspire and uplift our community , while also bringing a sense of depth and character to our brand. Let's bridge the gap together and celebrate the power of unique and inclusive narratives.

Filling Pieces
Filling Pieces

Introducing Davóne Tines: Breaking Musical Barriers

In this edition of Uncommon Stories, witness Davóne's unique approach to opera, blending traditions and genres. From morning gratitude rituals to the collaborative studio experience, every note reflects his mission to break down barriers.

Discover how Davóne navigates institutional challenges, fostering individual artistic voices. Join him at the Amsterdam String Quartet Biennale, where his program, "Recital Number One Mass," showcases his commitment to bridging gaps between different musical worlds.

Don't miss the Uncommon Stories episode featuring Davóne Tines, a musical journey breaking boundaries and amplifying inclusivity. Check out the link at the bottom of the page for the full editorial.

Davóne Tines will be performing with the Calder Quartet on Friday, February 2nd, at Muziekgebouw Amsterdam. Secure your tickets now by clicking the link below.

Filling Pieces
Filling Pieces

Introducing Daan: The Cheffluencer

In this episode of Uncommon Stories, we explore the fascinating world of culinary exploration with Daan, who is known as a 'cheffluencer.' Daan takes center stage after the success of our debut Uncommon Stories issue, guiding us on a gastronomic journey through his favorite food havens in Amsterdam.

For Daan, food is more than just a taste; it's a medium that transcends boundaries, connecting cultures and people, and creating extraordinary experiences. In his culinary realm, Daan acts as a bridge, bringing everyone to the same table. Food is a universal language that unites us not only through delicious meals but also forges connections that extend beyond the dining experience.

Join us on Daan's culinary journey that transcends flavors and celebrates bridging gaps through food's universal language. Watch the full editorial, via the link at the bottom of the page.

Filling Pieces

Introducing Zep: Harmonising Analog and Digital Worlds

In our first issue of Uncommon Stories, we talk with Zep (@whatszep), an extremely talented musician with a unique vision that bridges the gap between analog and digital. His dynamic blend of live drumming, DJing, and inventive recordings impressed us, setting the tone for a series spotlighting those who push boundaries.

Zep's unique take on "bridging the gap" involves infusing organic sounds into unexpected contexts, creating a universal musical language. Rejecting genre norms, he brings people together through the shared energy of live music, transcending expectations and celebrating diverse communities.

Discover Zep's story—a fusion of beats that transcend boundaries and unite audiences in a celebration of diversity.